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Concept on August 4, 2024 at 16:04
Draw XP is a drawing app for smartphones first developed and released by me about a year ago. My motivation for developing Draw XP was that I often come across situations in which quickly drawing something on my smartphone would be very useful, e.g., to remember an idea or to visually explain something to someone else. However, in practice, drawing on a smartphone usually leads to disappointing, imprecise results. In fact, I find the experience of drawing on a smartphone so bad that I nowadays don’t even count drawing on a smartphone as a viable option anymore.
August 4, 2024 - 16:04
Introducing Draw XP
An experimental drawing app for Android and iOS
Concept on January 18, 2018 at 19:04
See all announced 2018 Nintendo games for Switch, 3DS and mobile.

Including all games that will be published by Nintendo in 2018, as well as all games from 9 other big publishers and every game featured on Nintendo's YouTube channel.

Continuously updated whenever new information arrives.

January 18, 2018 - 19:04
Nintendo in 2018: All Known Release Dates - Continuously Updated
Nintendo Switch, 3DS, mobile and more
Concept on November 9, 2017 at 17:00
Unsurprisingly, the span of reactions was very mixed when Twitter doubled it's character limit from 140 up to 280 characters. With from what I can tell the largest amount of the people who I follow and also the loudest ones around general discussions being rather negative, mocking the change and lamenting that Twitter wouldn’t understand its own social network.

But what I’ve also seen a lot in this context, probably the second largest amount of comments, were tweets from people, who were more neutral towards the new character limit and instead pointed out how they would much rather like an edit functionality being introduced. Which, again, in several cases lead to replies from others explaining how this would be an even worse idea. Some of these conversations also were kinda constructive and came to results such as that a short time interval after sending a tweet to correct typos might be acceptable.

Coming from Google+ and seeing how editing also got through without constant and big hazards on Facebook, I really also don’t think it would be a big deal on Twitter also without time limits.

Nonetheless, I want to show with this concept an edit functionality that would even fulfill the demands of more cautious users, who believe that normal editing unlike on Google+ and Facebook would be more problematic on Twitter, while not restricting the feature in terms of time or how often tweets could be edited.

November 9, 2017 - 17:00
How a Safe Edit Feature Could Be Possible On Twitter Without Loopholes for Abuse
An edit functionality fulfilling all demands
Concept on October 23, 2017 at 11:49
Google Chrome’s incognito mode is useful for a whole lot of things, also way beyond the cliché dirty stuff one might prefer to be hidden from their browser history. Since the browser came out all the way back in 2008, a lot of people certainly will have incorporated incognito browsing in their everyday browsing experiences in many and partly rather extensive ways.

Thus I think it’s very possible that one might find oneself in a situation, where you’ve got a lot of relevant tabs open in incognito mode, which you don’t want to close yet, but you might also want to replicate the initial experience of a new incognito window and all it's advantages. That is where this concept’s feature would turn out useful.

As you can see in the concept image at the top, the idea is really straightforward: right click on an incognito window to access a new option to “Clear incognito cache”, which would clear all cookies and other data amassed during the current incognito session, but with all tabs staying open.

October 23, 2017 - 11:49
Mini-Concept: New Option to 'Reset' Incognito Mode Without Closing All Tabs
Ideas To Uplevel Google Chrome’s Incognito Mode
Concept on July 13, 2017 at 14:25
Having played Shovel Knight and it’s first free DLC campaign, Plague of Shadows, you probably already have a pretty good idea of what to expect upon starting Specter of Torment. And indeed, being an European owner of the 3DS copy of the game, it might have taken extraordinarily long until I finally got to play it, but starting it up, it was immediately all the same again.

The same 8-bit graphics and catchy sounds. The same atmosphere and way the game world feels, with the characters inhabiting it and enemies and objects you interact with in levels. The same still at first confusing control scheme with pressing B to accept on a Nintendo system where it’s normally the cancel button everywhere else. And yet, Specter of Torment also changes much more things up and introduces much more new to the series than the first DLC campaign did.

July 13, 2017 - 14:25
Review of Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment Free DLC Update For Nintendo 3DS
The reaper's turn
Concept on February 23, 2017 at 16:55
Nintendo has acknowledged that a slow stream of new games was one of the main reasons for the Wii U’s struggling performance and already promised that it’d do better with its next console, the Nintendo Switch, before the console was even announced.

And with actually only one single first party Wii U game in 2016, the anticipation had been huge for what the company must have had put together in that year for the Nintendo Switch and what its internal teams, which underwent a restructuring process the year before, have created.

With such high expectations, it’s probably not a big surprise then that people were disappointed after the reveal of the Switch’s initial game line-up. Once again, it’s become one of the major topics regarding the new console and target of much criticism.

February 23, 2017 - 16:55
Timeline Comparison of Wii U vs. Nintendo Switch Game Releases (Continuously Updated Also In 2018)
All about the games
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