The solution below, however, is really great for Chrome extensions. You might remember: other than Chrome apps, extensions mostly focus on the web experience. They're kind like more advanced and less annoying and hideous browser toolbars. And they've basically been part of the Chrome Web Store's origin.
Unlike full-functional web apps, extensions would do well on smartphones, as for example a dictionary tool, where you can drag foreign words in, or a Google+ share button for all web pages. They would certainly improve the overall browsing experience and be a real advantage for chrome as a mobile browser.
Furthermore it would also be a better solution to place bookmarks there, as you would be able to reach them easily from anywhere while browsing!
In the concept presented above the navigation menu looks no different than the current one. Only when pulling it down, your favorite applications become visible. After pulling down even a bit more, a larger list of applications becomes visible, as well as a search bar and a link to the web store at the very top.
What’s your opinion onto this? Would you like to have Chrome apps and extensions on your smartphone?
Update October 16 - So in the meantime Chrome's offline apps found their way to Microsoft Windows and they're probably also going to expand their reach to smartphones and tablets (though at the earliest in 1-2 years). This has even already been suggested in several interviews. After the latest update the swipe-down gesture also used here let's you reach the tab switcher now.